
vue_pages Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Redirection

This page redirects to:


Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 apiGetBrands /api/brands Path does not match
2 apiGetAllBrands /api/brands/all Path does not match
3 apiGetArrayOfBrands /api/brands/brandsSelected Path does not match
4 getBrand /api/brand/{brandId} Path does not match
5 addBrand /api/brand Path does not match
6 updateBrand /api/brand/{brandId} Path does not match
7 deleteBrands /api/brand/delete Path does not match
8 apiGetCategories /api/category Path does not match
9 apiGetAllCategories /api/category/all Path does not match
10 apiGetArrayOfCategories /api/category/categoriesSelected Path does not match
11 getCategory /api/category/{categoryId} Path does not match
12 addCategory /api/category Path does not match
13 updateCategory /api/category/{categoryId} Path does not match
14 deleteCategories /api/category/delete Path does not match
15 apiGetClients /api/clients Path does not match
16 apiGetArrayOfClientsSelected /api/clients/clientsSelected Path does not match
17 apiGetAllClients /api/clients/all Path does not match
18 getClient /api/client/{clientId} Path does not match
19 clientExportForceManager /api/client/export/forcemanager Path does not match
20 deleteClients /api/client/delete Path does not match
21 addClient /api/client Path does not match
22 updateClient /api/client/{clientId} Path does not match
23 apiGetContacts /api/contact Path does not match
24 getContact /api/contact/{contactId} Path does not match
25 contactExportForceManager /api/contact/export/forcemanager Path does not match
26 deleteContacts /api/contact/delete Path does not match
27 contactClient /api/contact/client/{clientId} Path does not match
28 addContact /api/contact Path does not match
29 updateContact /api/contact/{contactId} Path does not match
30 apiGetCountries /api/country Path does not match
31 apiGetCountriesIndexed /api/country/indexed Path does not match
32 app_fix_hidden /fix-hidden Path does not match
33 app_fix_hidden_sku /fix-hidden/{sku} Path does not match
34 app_fix_works_category /fix-works-category Path does not match
35 app_fix_sold /fix-sold Path does not match
36 app_add_short_description /add-short-description Path does not match
37 app_fix_short_description_video /fix-short-description-video Path does not match
38 apiGetOffers /api/offers Path does not match
39 apiGetOfferCode /api/offer/last-code Path does not match
40 apiGetCurrencies /api/offer/currencies Path does not match
41 apiGetStatus /api/offer/status Path does not match
42 editOfferFront /api/offer/{offerId} Path does not match
43 addOffer /api/offer Path does not match
44 updateOffer /api/offer/{offerId} Path does not match
45 cloneOffer /api/offer/{offerId}/clone Path does not match
46 offerPdf /api/offer/{offerId}/download Path does not match
47 sendOfferByMail /api/offer/{offerId}/send-mail Path does not match
48 list_paymentMethod /api/payment-method/ Path does not match
49 get_paymentMethod_ids /api/payment-method/get-ids Path does not match
50 get_all_paymentMethod /api/payment-method/all Path does not match
51 get_paymentMethod /api/payment-method/{paymentMethodId} Path does not match
52 delete_paymentMethod /api/payment-method/delete Path does not match
53 add_paymentMethod /api/payment-method/ Path does not match
54 update_paymentMethod /api/payment-method/{paymentMethodId} Path does not match
55 products /api/product/all Path does not match
56 apiGetProductLink /api/product/wordpress-link/{id} Path does not match
57 apiGetProducts /api/products Path does not match
58 apiGetProductSoldYears /api/products/sold-years Path does not match
59 apiGetProductPurchasedYears /api/products/purchased-years Path does not match
60 apiGetArrayOfProducts /api/products/productsSelected Path does not match
61 getAllProductsWithStock /api/products/with-stock Path does not match
62 getProduct /api/product/get/{productId} Path does not match
63 getOfferProduct /api/product/get/offer/{productId} Path does not match
64 productImport /api/product/import Path does not match
65 productExportCsv /api/product/export/csv Path does not match
66 productExportWordpress /api/product/export/wordpress Path does not match
67 productEnable /api/product/enable Path does not match
68 productDisable /api/product/disable Path does not match
69 deleteProducts /api/product/delete Path does not match
70 addProduct /api/product Path does not match
71 updateProduct /api/product/{productId} Path does not match
72 app_login /login Path does not match
73 app_logout /logout Path does not match
74 list_supplier /api/supplier/ Path does not match
75 get_supplier_ids /api/supplier/get-ids Path does not match
76 get_all_suppliers /api/supplier/all Path does not match
77 get_supplier /api/supplier/{supplierId} Path does not match
78 delete_supplier /api/supplier/delete Path does not match
79 add_supplier /api/supplier/ Path does not match
80 update_supplier /api/supplier/{supplierId} Path does not match
81 apiGetTemplates /api/templates Path does not match
82 apiGetArrayOfTemplates /api/templates/templatesSelected Path does not match
83 getTemplate /api/template/get/{templateId} Path does not match
84 deleteTemplates /api/template/delete Path does not match
85 addTemplate /api/template Path does not match
86 updateTemplate /api/template/{templateId} Path does not match
87 homepage / Path does not match
88 vue_pages /{route} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.